I have a very interesting story to tell whoever happens to have stumbled across my tiny little site today. You know how you're like "Wouldn't it be great if I was walking along and suddenly I found $20?!" Or at least I think like that. 

Well, I was having a pretty bad day today actually. I forgot some paper for my math teacher, we had to play FOOTBALL in PE, and I had to work with a very annoying group for some History project. But then, as I was walking to my last class, somebody actually dropped $20 in the hallway. I picked it up, looked around to see if I could figure out who dropped it. Nope, no one even looked toward me, the folded up bill in my hand. 

I briefly considered holding it up and asking if anyone had lost $20. But then I thought about it. Who WOULDN'T say the money was theirs. Then I though about the lost and found. That was equally as helpful. 

And then it hit me. This money was now MINE!

So, my day today really turned around, and I've been feeling as though my luck has turned in a good direction for once.