How To Make Bacon

October 26, 2009
Well, I'm kinda on a cooking kick at the moment, so I decided I'd tell you how to make one of the best foods on Earth. Bacon. Yum.

  1. Grab a pan or skillet or whatever and use cooking spray or butter to make sure the bacon doesn't stick.
  2. Set your pan on the oven and set that to a medium-high type setting.
  3. Grab your bacon and lay out on the pan so they aren't overlapping
  4. Pull out your spatula and keep an eye on the bacon. It will be popping, so you might want to stay a bit away.
  5. Lift up your bacon every so often to check on it.
  6. When it looks good to you, flip it over.
  7. Let other side cook until it also looks good to you.
  8. Turn off heat, and move bacon to a plate or something covered with paper towels to suck up the bacon grease off the pieces it self.
  9. Eat.
You will also have to get rid of the bacon grease somehow. My family just gives it to the dog with her kibble. :P

How to Make Pasta

October 25, 2009

I decided that maybe not all of you know how to make pasta. It is very easy, and very yummy!

  1. Put some water into a pot. Try and fill it at least...1/2 of the way full.
  2. Put this on the stove at a high setting.
  3. Always the most annoying step. Let the water boil.
  4. When the water is boiling, add in however much pasta you think you or whoever you are serving this to would like to eat.
  5. Set the timer for however long your particular pasta takes. Most pastas take between 8-12 minutes.
  6. Stir o...

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